About The Voyages of Joseph of Avalon

In this book Ronald and Sylvia Rayner explode the myths in some of our history books, painting a picture of first century men and women, in most parts of the world, running around with clubs and spears. By taking us on a journey from the Middle East, to Italy, Germany, France and Spain, the author reveals a different story.

 These countries were enjoying an economic boom. Everything from ferrous and non-ferrous metals, preserved food stuffs in barrels, spices, rolls of dyed materials, fine shoes and clothing, gold and silver jewellery, precious stones, and much more were being transported, bartered and sold on the trade route from the ports in the Middle East to Britain. The West of England was the only centre in the world at that time mining and smelting metals, most of the output of which was being bought up by the Roman war machine. The finest education in the world to be enjoyed at that time was at the Druid Cors, sited in the West of England.

A wealthy Master Mariner who ran a fast trading vessel from the Port of Joppa in Judea, to Cornwall, took his own son, and Jesus, at the age of twelve years, to the Druid Schools in Cornwall. On successful completion of their education, Joseph’s son, named Adnam Josephus, stayed on in Cornwall as a Druid High Priest. Jesus decided to return to His family home in Galilee. The rest is History.

What is not in the history books, however, is the story of the childhood of Jesus recorded in this book. Also the story of Joseph of Arimathea (Joseph of Avalon) returning to Cornwall to set up the only Christian Church outside Jerusalem in AD38 whose Patron was the local King. A Church visited by all the Disciples travelling on Joseph’s trading vessels, sailing regularly from Judea along the trade route to Britain. The Author, experiments with the Druid methods of `Foretelling the Future’, for the Planet, the results of which are revealed in this book. Ronald Rayner also puts forward the views of a retired Russian General on `Armageddon’ Also, a possible explanation for the Loch Ness, phenomena.